
   日期:2022-12-07     移动:http://mapp.b2b-1.com/news/107418.html
小伙伴们大家好,今天讲的文章是英文介绍自己面试「3分钟精彩自我介绍英文分享」,以及面试这些一系列的干货内容,认真阅读完,把我想表达的思路完全理解,相信你很快就可以掌握!,英文自我介绍——面试版,First, how to introduce yourself at the job view.,首先,如何介绍自己,When you arrive at the interview site introduce yourself to receptionist by stating your name and purpose of your visit.,到达面试地点后,向接待人员介绍自己的姓名,说明自己是来参加面试的。,Offer to shake hands, when the manager meets you in the reception area, even though the interviewer doesnt offer his hands first. And now, make an eye contact and introduce yourself.,在面试官出来见你,把你带到面试间的时候,主动和他握手,就算他没有主动伸出手来,这个时候介绍自己,并且眼神交流。,,How to describe your weakness?,怎么样描述自己的缺点?,Dont give a cop-out answer. My greatest weakness is that Im too much of a perfectionist, It is the suitable answer; you should dig deep into yourself and figure out what your true weakness are at work, and choose what you can use in the interview. Otherwise, you should avoid deal breakers, it is true that we should be honest, but avoiding that weakness that can hurt your chances of getting the job is a wise choice.,不要回避问题,我最大的缺点是过于追求完美是不合适的回答;你应该深挖自己,找到真正的缺点,选择你能在面试中用到的;另外,不要说会影响面试的缺点,我们是应该说实话,但是避免说出那些影响你得到工作的弱点是明智之举。,In general, in the end of the interview, maybe he will ask you what you want to know about the company, then you should seize the opportunity to make you more impressive.,一般情况下,在面试的最后,面试官会问你有什么想要提问的,这种情况下,你就要抓住机会,给自己的面试加分。,简单点儿的问题:,When can I expect to hear from you?,请问,我什么时候能够得到答复呢?,Are there any other questions I can answer for you?,请问您是否还有其他问题?,如果你想知道多一点的信息:,Is this a new position?,这是一个新增的职位吗?,What are the prospects for growth and advancement?,职位的晋升前景如何?,What are biggest challenges of this job?,这个职位所面临的最大挑战有哪些?,What did the best part of the working for this company?,在贵公司工作最让人感到成就感的部分是什么?,,好啦,今天的英语教学就到这里啦。,想了解更多实用的学英语方法,欢迎关注我,期待大家的留言!我们下期不见不散!,以上就是小编给各位今天分享的内容,可以帮到大家也是一件非常开心的事情,认真看完了,还是有一些不明白的地方,怎么办?可以留言一起讨论讨论。欢迎继续查看博客更多内容学习更多知识哦!, 版权声明:非特殊说明,本文版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请联系我们,即刻处理。谢谢!,
免责声明:英文介绍自己面试「3分钟精彩自我介绍英文分享」来源于互联网,如有侵权请通知我们删除! (留言)

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